Located in Kwun Tong, great string instrument repair services. Re-hairing of bows, and resetting bridges top service!
Website: violinbrothers.com.hk
Online shop available for string instrument accessories as well as instruments. Most unique in the range of accessories available. Sometimes have discounted prices on strings.
Website: lyrastrings.hk
Located in Wan Chai, shop for string instrument trading and repairs. They stock a good range of quality beginner models as well as 2nd hand European ones. Check out their "trade-up" option when buying an instrument from them.
Website: solostrings.com.hk
Also located in Wan Chai, shop for all stringed instruments and repairs. They stock a range of instruments from beginner to 2nd hand European models.
Website: orfeostrings.com
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HOW TO GET ENROLLED INTO THE SCHOOL?Go to the SIGN-UP at the top of the menu, fill in your details and we will get back to you shortly.
WHAT AGE IS SUITABLE FOR LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT?Students can start from age 3, but depends on which type of instrument. For Piano, it is recommended students should not start before the age of 3, as their finger muscles are not developed enough and might end up having bad posture. For string instruments such as Violin and Cello it is recommended students should not start before the age of 4, also due to their finger muscle development. For woodwind instruments such as Flute, Clarinet and Oboe, it is suggested students shouldn't start until the age of 7 as their handspan wouldn't be big enough to hold the instrument as well as pressing on the key pads. However, there are always exception cases. Feel free to arrange for meeting with our instructors to see if your child are suitable to learn.
WHAT DOES THE TRIAL LESSON INCLUDE?The Free Trial lesson is roughly around 30mins so that the instructor can assess the student and discuss expectations and goals. If the student don't have their own instruments, there are different sized violins for students to try on during the lesson. However due to hygiene issues, woodwind instruments it is recommended that the student have their own instrument before coming for a trial lesson. During the trial lesson make sure as a student you understand what are expected for practices as well as planning for upcoming exams or competitions.
HOW DOES A NORMAL LESSON RUN?The usual lesson comprise of scales, studies and pieces. Scales are used to help students become familiar of finger placements and differentiate between keys. Students will be familiar of shifting at advanced levels in practicing scales. I often ask students to sing scales so that they can learn to listen carefully to the pitch of the notes. Studies are exercises that strengthen technical aspects, whether it be left hand finger exercises or right hand bowing techniques. Pieces are usually what students enjoys the most, and learn how to play their instrument in a musical manner. But without the help of scales or studies, it would become difficult to accomplish. Other times there might be excersises of exam nature such as aural practice or sight-reading depending if the student is heading towards the exam direction.
DO YOU TEACH ADULT BEGINNERS?Lots of them! Children are not the only ones who begin music lessons. Many adults who never played any instrument before start lessons; others resume lessons that they had abandoned when younger. If you are an adult thinking about taking music lessons, consider this: There is no one standing over you telling you to practice; there is no one to answer to except yourself (and your teacher); and there is no greater satisfaction than being able to sit down at a piano or picking up a guitar or a flute or a violin and recreating the music of your choice, whether it is Beethoven or the Beach Boys, ballads or blues. Adults learn quickly because they know what music is supposed to sound like, and have a lifetime of experience as listeners. They are also more efficient and productive at practicing than children are. Give it a try – it’s very rewarding!
WHAT IF I NEED TO RESCHEDULE A LESSON?When you sign up for lessons, you commit to a timeslot. If your schedule changes, we are happy to try to rearrange the teacher’s schedule to accommodate your needs, but can’t guarantee it. The good news is that the most common reason for schedule changes is school sports, and often more than one student in a teacher’s schedule needs to switch at about the same time of year. The bad news is that many of our teachers are here only one day a week, so that if the day of week is the problem, there’s no other day to switch to. We will do our best. By the way, if your child is assigned "randomly" to a sports team that meets the day of your music lesson, it is possible that you can change teams rather than change the music lesson.
WHAT IF MY CHILD CHANGES HIS/HER MIND AFTER STARTING LESSONS?Sometimes, children are disappointed that they can't play well after a few weeks of lessons -- they had expected it would be easier. Parental support to get over this "hump" can make all the difference. Be sure to take your children to recitals, where they will see the progress that others have made. If you're having problems at home, be sure to tell the instructor, who will have some helpful advice or be able to modify the lessons to help your child.
DOES MY CHILD HAVE TO PERFORM AT THE RECITALS?No. We hold an annual recital usually in February of each year, but we do not force all of our students to participate. If your child is nervous about recitals, we strongly recommend that they attend in the audience. Recitals are very valuable in a number of ways, one of which is to allow the child to see more advanced students.
HOW TO GET MY CHILD TO PRACTICE?This is often a very serious and sometimes troubling issue for parents. It is NORMAL for students to not want to practice, and I often stress the importance of parent supervised home practices until the child is old enough or has developed independence in self practice. Parents are welcomed to sit in during lessons so that they can keep track of what is happening and know how to help the child to practice at home. We also provide a student handbook where the student can cheque next to each box the things they have practiced during the week.
HOW TO PAY FOR LESSONS?Lesson fees are paid monthly, where an invoice will be given out at the last lesson of the month, so that the student can check on the dates of upcoming lessons. Usually the monthly invoice should consist of 4 weekly lessons, but sometimes when your lesson falls on the day where the month consist of 4 weeks, then the invoice will show 5 weekly lessons. If there are requests on taking leave, remember to let our instructor and staff know in advance before making the next month's payment at the first lesson of the month. Centre Stage accepts cash and cheque payments. Cheques please make payable to "Centre Stage". We also accept PayMe from HSBC as well as PAYPAL, please keep all your transaction records of payment details.
DO I HAVE TO SIGN UP FOR A SET NUMBER OF LESSONS?No, you do not. When you sign up for a time slot, it is yours for as long as you'd like to continue lessons, whether it's 2 weeks or 2 years! However there might be changes and requests from time to time by Centre Stage to help juggle students according to special requests and we ask of your assistance in that matter.
WHAT IF I CAN'T COME FOR LESSONS?If due to sickness or other matters, please inform our staff as soon as possible so that a makeup lesson can be made with the instructor. However due to some cases, if makeup lessons cannot be made, the paid lesson will be carried forward towards the next month's fees. But please understand that our instructors have made a time for you at your designated time slot, and it is unfair for them if don't turn up or not notifiying us of your absence. Your absence ultimately affects their pay cheque at the end of the day, so please be considerate.
WHAT IF THERE IS TYPHOON 8 OR BLACK RAIN HOISTED?Then the scheduled lesson will be cancelled and we will try our best to rearrange another lesson as close to the original with the instructor as possible. Otherwise, the paid lesson can be creditted towards the next month's payment. If there are other minor typhoon or storm signals however, lessons should still go ahead no matter if they are in Kintegarten or High School.
WHAT IF MY VIOLIN GETS BROKEN ACCIDENTALLY?We can fix minor problems such as the broken string or out of tune violins, but major problems will need to be checked by qualified repairers. Feel free to call and ask if you have any problems and we will direct you to the people who can help.
DO YOU HAVE INSTRUMENTS FOR HIRE?Unfortunately we don't have a instruments available for hire out of our studio. We only have a handful of old instruments for new students who want to try for our trial lesson, but we can't guarentee those which are available at the time for your trial lesson.